Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
Ridgeland · Jackson
Throughout Mississippi

Back Injuries

If you’ve been hurt on the job, an attorney can help

When a worker suffers a back injury on the job, it can be very painful and very debilitating. Back injuries affect mobility and the ability for workers to do their jobs effectively. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney at Tabor Law Firm, P.A. can help injured workers get the benefits they need and deserve while they recover from serious on-the-job injuries.

Some jobs involve regular physical labor and carry a higher risk of a back injury. But back injuries can occur at any type of workplace. They can be the result of:

  • Lifting
  • Pushing
  • Pulling
  • Twisting
  • Slips and falls
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • A motor vehicle accident

There are many different types of back injuries. These include herniated or ruptured discs, fractured vertebrae, strains and sprains, muscle spasms and pinched nerves. Treatment may involve surgery, physical therapy and medication. But any type of back injury can leave a worker in pain and temporarily unable to work. Some back injuries also result in permanent injuries or disabilities.

In the meantime, injured workers often see their medical expenses going up while the money coming in goes down. This can make it hard for families to pay the bills. And for workers with a long-term injury, it can be even harder to get back on their feet. Many injured workers don’t know how they will make ends meet.

The workers’ compensation system in Mississippi is supposed to help injured workers pay their medical expenses and provide them with partial wages while they are unable to work. But the claims process can be difficult, and employer and insurance companies are focused on keeping payouts as low as possible.

Experienced attorney focused on results

Employers and insurance companies have lawyers working on their behalf. That’s why you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who will look out for your best interests. Attorney Jonathan Tabor helps injured workers fight back and get the benefits they deserve.

Our office is in Ridgeland, just over the line from Jackson, home of the offices of the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission. We’ve been there many times, fighting for clients in front of commissioners and judges. We know what type of evidence they expect to see, and how to build a strong case that gets results.

We can help you navigate the claims process from start to finish. We can help you file your initial claim for benefits, ensure that all paperwork is filled out correctly and make sure deadlines are met. We can gather evidence that helps your claim – including accident reports, medical records and witness statements.

If your back injury is serious and requires long-term treatment, causing you to miss more time from work, you can expect the insurance company to be uncooperative. They may question the extent of your injury and whether certain treatment is necessary. They may decide that you are ready to return to work, even though you are still recovering.

We know the tricks they play, and we don’t put up with them. Learn more about how we can help you. Contact us today for a free consultation with a workers’ compensation attorney at our firm. Call us to schedule an appointment.

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